Angelika Zdrojewska
Bodywork Therapist, Kinesiology practitioner & Acupuncturist
Angelika is a holistic therapist who specialises in Systematic Kinesiology, TCM
Acupuncture and Bodywork Therapies. She always approaches each client individually and supports their healing in a safe, calm, warm and relaxed atmosphere. Angelika has treated people with Kinesiology, TCM Acupuncture and Bodywork therapy with amazing results over the years to help her clients overcome many health issues such as: fibromyalgia, anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, fatigue and energy issues, menopause symptoms, hormonal imbalances, acute and chronic pain syndromes, sport injuries, digestion problems, immune issues, headaches and migraines, learning difficulties and many more. During a Kinesiology session there is also food intolerance testing when needed.
Angelika believes that every human being is naturally perfect, good and healthy and symptoms in the body appear when we fall out of our inner harmony. She is here to help you bring this harmony back, strengthen and balance chemically, structurally, emotionally, and energetically. All elements in life need to be in balance, if one is out of balance the others will be affected too.
During treatment the blockages (they may occur for many reasons) are being released
allowing smooth energy flow and preventing serious illnesses. The integration of both (traditional eastern and modern western techniques) allow her clients to access and improve their health in all areas. Each person leaves her treatment room relaxed, balanced with a fresh energy.
Angelika is passionate about nature and natural ways of healing and conscious living. She is a registered member of Acupuncture Society, Kinesiology TASK- UK Network and the Federation of Holistic Therapists.

" I have suffered with frozen shoulder for about 8 years. I was living with pain, unable to raise my arm and mobility of my shoulder and arm was very limited. After just 2 sessions of Tuina, Acupuncture and cupping my shoulder improved by 80%. I am able to do full rotations of the arm and enjoy life. Really thank you for amazing treatments, where impossible becomes possible.
- Irena Tokarska